Spring Entrance
Terunari Fuji (Non-Convex Quadratic Optimization with Random Projection) (Mathematical Informatics, Supervisor: Prof. Takeda)
Seiya Matsuno (ソフトモジュラリティ最大化問題の共正値問題への帰着) (Mathematical Informatics, Supervisor: Prof. Takeda)
Akatsuki Nishioka (トポロジー最適化問題に対する加速射影勾配法) (Mathematical Informatics, Supervisor: Prof. Kanno)
Kanji Sato (Convergence error analysis of reflected gradient Langevin dynamics for globally optimizing non-convex constrained problems) (Mathematical Informatics, Supervisor: Prof. Takeda)
Takeru Serikawa (A stochastic proximal quasi-Newton method for difference-of-convex optimization problems) (Creative Informatics, Supervisor: Prof. Takeda)
Shun Terasaki (構造化ディスクリプターシステムの最小可制御性問題) (Mathematical Informatics, Supervisor: Lecturer Sato)
Hiroyuki Yasui (Optimal control of an SIR epidemic model with human mobility and age structure) (Creative Informatics, Supervisor: Prof. Takeda)
Autumn Entrance
Yuhang Wang(Single Loop Gaussian Homotopy Method for Non-convex Optimization) (Creative Informatics, Supervisor: Prof. Takeda)
Yuchu Yang (An Augmented Lagrangian Method for Optimization Problems with Nonnegative Orthogonality Constraints) (Mathematical Informatics, Supervisor: Lecturer Sato)
Spring Entrance
Ziye Liu (Proximal SVRG with Adaptive Step Size for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization) (Creative Informatics, Supervisor: Prof. Takeda)
Shun Arahata (A primal-dual interior point method for second-order stationary points of nonlinear semidefinite optimization problems) (Creative Informatics, Supervisor: Prof. Takeda)
Yuto Mori (Bilevel Optimization for Defense against Model Extraction) (Mathematical Informatics, Supervisor: Prof. Takeda)
Mitsuaki Obara (Sequential Quadratic Optimization for Nonlinear Optimization Problems on Riemannian Manifolds) (Mathematical Informatics, Supervisor: Prof. Takeda)
Spring Entrance
Hikaru Ogura (Convex Fairness Constrained Model Using Causal Effect Estimators) (Mathematical Informatics, Supervisor: Prof. Takeda)