Day: 24th of September (Tuesday)
Room: Engineering 14th Building, room 522 (5th floor).
9:30 ~ 10:10: Jan Harold Alcantara (NTNU)
“Smoothed neural networks for nonlinear complementarity problems”
10:15 ~ 10:55: Thanh Chieu (NTNU)
“Smoothing Approach for A Certain Type of Bilevel Nonsmooth Optimization”
11:00 ~ 11:40: Jein-Shan Chen (NTNU)
“Constructions of new complementarity functions for NCP and SOCCP” [slide]
11:50~13:10: Lunch
13:20 ~ 14:00: Mirai Tanaka (ISM)
“An adaptive LP-Newton method for second-order cone optimization”
14:05 ~ 14:45: Michael Metel (RIKEN-AIP)
“Stochastic Proximal Methods for Non-Smooth Non-Convex Constrained Sparse Optimization”
15:00 ~ 15:40: Yasushi Narushima (Keio University)
“Robust Supply Chain Network Equilibrium Models”
15:45 ~ 16:25: Masaru Ito (Nihon University)
“An adaptive proximal-point approach for first-order methods”
16:30 ~ 17:10: Tianxiang-Liu (RIKEN-AIP)
“A successive difference-of-convex approximation method with applications to control problems”